Kubernetes Hands-On Beginners Course 2019
본 교육은 2019년 11월부터 2020년 1월까지 DevOps7 이동열님이 진행해 주신 쿠버네티스 교육 영상입니다.
[강의 목표]
- Docker 활용 기초 능력자 배양
– Basic containerized app provisioning, trouble-shooting, build & deploy - Kubernetes 실무 ‘Hands-on’ 능력자 배양
– 최소 Beginner 이상, Option으로 중급 이상은 CKA cert. 응시로 성취도 확인 유도
– K3s installation(CRI engine), K8s(Docker engine) on-premises(Lightsail 활용)
– Local 개발용 K8s cluster/VirtualBox with vagrant & Kubespray
– Gcloud GKE, AWS EKS/kops, Azure AKS 등 활용 Hands-on 가능자 양성
[강의 내용]
1강-2강 Intro, Docker, K8s
실습 환경 구축, 점검
Docker 설치
Kubernetes 설치(k3s), Reset & teardown
Docker basic 1~2
K8s basic: kubectl basic usage
3강-4강 아키텍처, 설치, 네트워킹(1)
K8s 아키텍처
API server with ETCD, Scheduler & Controller Manager
Kubernetes YAML basic
Helm(1) 설치, 사용법
K8s 설치(Kubespray) – 보충
Pod, Service 관계와 네트워킹 기초
Rolling update(Manually)
5강 – Volume & Storage
Helm(2) 설치, 사용법
DNS & Service Discovery
Docker volumes & K8s storages/volumes
Persistent Volumes
6강 – WordPress 예제, Healthy, Rolling update
Kubectl explain & kubectl api-resources
Homework 해설 – Using WordPress example
Healthy Pod
Declarative and imperative
Deployment & ReplicaSet, Rolling update 분석
7강-9강 – DaemonSet, 네트워킹(2),Ingress(1),RBAC
Deploying EFK(Elasticsearch, Fluentd & Kibana), 기본 사용
Using GKE on GCP, & gcloud console/cloudshell
Pod, ReplicaSet & Deployment 관계
Cloud providers LB and K8s Service types
네트워킹 – K8s cluster 내부 & 외부
Using WordPress example
– Configmap, Secret & Env. variables
– Persistent volume & Scale out/scale in
RBAC & API server
K8s user/service account & token
K8s dashboard
K8s authorization & role/rolebinding
Kubeconfig customization
Kubeconfig customization & multple clusters
Ingress service – On-premises and Cloud(GKE on Google)
10강-11강 – Ingress(2), Scaling, Scheduling, Multi-container
Ingress service – Multiple Ingresses
Autimatic scaling(HPA)
Scheduling – Taint, Toleration & affinity
Init container
Multi-container Pods
Stateless, stateful application
StatefulSet – Redis, ETCD
Course Features
- Lectures 15
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 40 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language Korean
- Students 125
- Certificate No
- Assessments Yes
1강-2강: Intro, Docker, K8s
3강-4강: 아키텍처, 설치, 네트워킹(1)
5강: Volume & Storage
6강: Wordpress 예제, Healthy, Rolling update
7강-9강: DaemonSet, 네트워킹(2),Ingress(1),RBAC
10강-11강: Ingress(2), Scaling, Scheduling, Multi-container